Class will be meeting next Sunday, January 17.
Last time, we wrapped up the fifth chapter of Theology of the Body for Teens: "Truth and Freedom," and went on to Chapter 6: "The Language of the Body." Key points:
- Freedom requires truth because we cannot choose freely without knowing what is true -- i.e. what is real -- about ourselves and others.
- External constraints are outside factors, rules, or laws that limit our choices to some extent.
- Internal constraints are things within us -- sinful desires -- that prevent us from freely choosing good.
- Only the virtuous are truly free. ( If your desires are good, then you are truly free because you need no rules / laws – you will choose the good because you want to.)
- Thus, when we allow Christ to transform / purify our hearts, we experience more and more freedom.
- Our “body language” conveys meaning. Half or more of our communication is actually non-verbal, conveyed by tone, gestures, facial expressions, etc.
- In particular, this is true of sexual intercourse. Sex is a language of self donation, meaning, "I am entirely yours. I make a total gift of myself to you."
- The term "the marital act", though not as commonly used today, underscores this meaning.
- The language of the body can tell the truth, or can tell lies.
- How to tell if you're speaking the truth with your body? Ask: Does the meaning of the act match the objective truth? For example, Judas's kiss is an example of a lie told with the body.
Quotes to ponder:
"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." – Gal 5:1
“Either you will control your passions or your passions will control you.”Crystal's challenge: “Try to be a gift of yourself right now.”
At home assignment:
From Chapter 5! "Digging Deeper: Sometimes Truth Hurts” on p. 76-78, stopping before the "Truth Quiz."
Meditate on the Bible verses on p. 79 (in the section, "Live it Out: The Truth Sets Us Free").
If you missed missed class or want to review:
Please read workbook Chapter 6, pages 81 - 85 (stop at the end of the question box). Also, see assignment above.
Local event:
FYI - The annual Roe v. Wade Memorial Rally and Walk for Life is happening this Sunday, January 17, 2016, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m at Pioneer Courthouse Square in Portland. This year, there will also be a student rally with Lisa Rose following the walk.
Open Mic class:
Keep the questions coming! Also let me know if you have any other questions about class schedules, topics, etc.
Future class dates:
January 2016
17 Class
24 Class
31 Class