
P&C class update for Apr 26

Submitted by Suchi Myjak on

The next class meeting will be next Sunday, May 3, on Zoom.

Last time, we began by analyzing a collection of news articles relating to terminal illness, end of life predictions, and euthanasia / PAS. These included documentation of real-life examples of victims of legalized euthanasia / assisted suicide. Plus, doctors aren't even always correct in their predictions about how long a terminally ill person will live. And untreated pain or depression is often behind requests for euthanasia. Please see the Resources section for links to several of these articles.

Mini review: Into the Gray Zone

Submitted by Suchi Myjak on

In his book, Into the Gray Zone, neuroscientist Dr. Adrian Owen reveals the amazing results of his team's research with patients diagnosed to be in a "persistent vegetative state" (or PVS). There are many articles and videos available online that discuss various aspects of his findings, but the book is a much more in-depth and fascinating account.

His initial findings that Kate, "Patient 1," who appeared totally unresponsive, nevertheless had a completely normal brain response to testing shocked not just his team but the medical world. In successive research, his team has found that some 20% of patients with a PVS diagnosis whom they have scanned are in fact "vibrantly" conscious and aware. This number might even increase as detection methods improve.

P&C 9/22/19 -- resources

Submitted by Suchi Myjak on
Topics: Introduction to Principles & Choices +
Four Levels of Happiness If you missed class, please read the items marked with an asterisk. Also, please see the class update above for the homework assignment. Class handouts:

Click the link for the chart. Please see me for the other handouts.

Articles and podcasts:

Recent research: