assisted suicide

P&C class update for Apr 26

Submitted by Suchi Myjak on

The next class meeting will be next Sunday, May 3, on Zoom.

Last time, we began by analyzing a collection of news articles relating to terminal illness, end of life predictions, and euthanasia / PAS. These included documentation of real-life examples of victims of legalized euthanasia / assisted suicide. Plus, doctors aren't even always correct in their predictions about how long a terminally ill person will live. And untreated pain or depression is often behind requests for euthanasia. Please see the Resources section for links to several of these articles.

P&C class update for Apr 19

Submitted by Suchi Myjak on

The next class meeting will be next Sunday, April 26, on Zoom.

Last time, we began by briefly considering the article assigned for homework: "After Birth Abortion." This article argues that, logically, there is no difference between the value of an infant before and after birth. So far so good. The disturbing part is that instead of seeing that therefore unborn children should be protected, the authors argue that born infants also should not.

P&C class update for 12/15

Submitted by Suchi Myjak on

Our next class will be Sunday, January 5.
(No class the next two weeks. Enjoy your Christmas break!)

Last time:
We began with a brief discussion of the question the students were asked to consider for last time's homework.

We then continued to the main topic, Truth -- what it is, why it matters, and how we can arrive at it. In the P&C class, we will be considering arguments from a philosophical point of view, i.e. looking at evidence in a logical way to arrive at the truth, rather than using opinions or beliefs.

P&C 12/15/19 — Resources

Submitted by Suchi Myjak on

If you missed class or want to review:

  • Please print the class handouts that I emailed.
  • Read the article: "Truth and Ice Cream" by Trent Horn
  • The definitions of key terms at PCS116, Book2, Chapter 1: Truth will help you fill in the Truth Notes handout.
  • Respond to the pro-euthanasia arguments on the Triple Entry handout using the notes in the update and the "6 Principles of Happiness" handout from earlier this year.
  • Contact me if you need more help. :-)

Also mentioned in class: