P&C class update for Feb 2

Submitted by Suchi Myjak on

Our next class meeting is Sunday, February 16.
(No class this Sunday.)

Last time:
We read aloud Act 2 of the play Robert & Emma, with students taking various roles, and then discussed it. (Summary: After a science class discussion about the personhood of the unborn, Robert learns that his mother has just suffered a second-trimester miscarriage. Traumatized by this news and haunted by a secret that he has been carrying, Robert searches for hope and forgiveness.)

We had great discussions on questions about the drama. Good job, class!

We learned a little about Dr. Jérôme Lejeune, the geneticist who discovered that Down's Syndrome is caused by an extra 21st chromosome. For his work in pioneering the new field of genetic medicine, many believe he richly deserved a Nobel Prize. Instead, he was sidelined because he refused to compromise on the truth. If you'd like to learn more about this eminent scientist, loving father, and devoted Catholic, I highly recommend Life is a Blessing, the short and powerful biography written by his daughter, Clara.

In the 1990's, Dr. Lejeune was called to testify in two abortion-related court cases. He showed that a human zygote, even before implanting in the mother's womb, is a unique human individual with a full human genome, that, under normal conditions, will develop into a fully actualized human adult.

We considered responses to two common arguments made against Dr. Lejeune's testimony: (1) that the zygote has not yet reached its full potential, and (2) that we cannot know when all human powers are present at fertilization (conception). Short answers: (1) Neither has a toddler. Or a teen. (2) If we don't know for sure that there's not a human being, then we have to err on the side of safety and assume that there is.

In addition, we discussed and practiced how to respond to a couple of pro-abortion arguments. One key is to ask questions that invite the other person to think, rather than providing answers directly. I also clarified the difference between contradictory and contrary statements.

If you missed the class and want to catch up, please contact me. We do have print copies of the script that you may borrow and bring back to the following class meeting, and I have a recording of the discussion portion.



“To accept the fact that, after fertilization has taken place, a new human has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion. The human nature of the human being from conception to old age is not a metaphysical conception. It is plain experimental evidence.”
~ Dr. Jérôme Lejeune


  • Life is a Blessing by Clara Lejeune Gaymard. I have a copy; let me know if you'd like to borrow it.
  • Please see the resources post at the class blog for lots more info and cool resources.

Class schedule:

The complete schedule is pinned at the top of the class blog.

As always, please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.

Suchi / Mrs. Myjak
