What is "Principles & Choices"?

Submitted by Suchi Myjak on

The curriculum I'll be teaching this year is "Principles & Choices," published by Healing the Culture.

"Principles & Choices" is an innovative high school curriculum that helps students master principles of logic, ethics, and justice that inspire them to live with purpose, moral integrity, and care for human life. The program gives students a strong philosophical education in ten core principles that ground Church teachings on respect for human life, social justice, and many other contemporary issues. Students practice relating these principles to life issues and are invited to apply them to other issues in our modern culture and in their own lives.

The media and the Internet pump into the world torrents of "entertainment" and "information" that are definitely aligned to a particular agenda. This curriculum gives students the tools to sift through what is constantly thrown at them, distinguish the true from the false, and not only make good moral decisions themselves but also effectively explain and defend good moral choices to others.

As students learn how their own deepest desires point to God as their ultimate fulfillment, and the true meaning of "happiness," "quality of life," and "freedom," they gain confidence and are better prepared to defend their beliefs among peers.

Our class will meet on 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays from 10:15-11:45am, with a few exceptions for liturgical and parish events. Please see the Calendar post below for our meeting dates and tentative topics for the year.

Please see the Principles & Choices website, here, for more about the program, including some data on its effectiveness. We will be covering all three books in the series this year, plus additional material on assisted suicide and pro-life apologetics.

They have also made this promotional video featuring students and teachers in the Principles & Choices pilot program at McGill-Toolen High School, a Catholic school in Mobile, AL. The video will give you an idea of what is taught in the first lessons, and, starting about the 3 minute mark, you can see the reactions of students and teachers.
